I should absolutely not love AI music generators as much as I do.

I may, in fact, have a problem.

I guess I should start with a confession. I write dumb little songs A LOT. Like the “hey my puppy, it’s time to go for a walk (let’s go!)” song or the “wtf husband, I really just want to get some coffee!” song. None of these works of pure genius are ever recorded, repeated, or meant for a wider audience outside of the impromptu live performance that I just gave.

Oh reader. Until now. 🫣

Because welcome to the age of Ai generated music. There are two that I am playing with: Suno and Udio and my review is OMG THIS IS THE VERY BEST. My husband, friends and coworkers however may have a different take.

The very easiest way to get from thought to song is to type in a few words about what kind of song you want, and what sort of genre. And it will write lyrics and music and have a robotic voice sing it out to you. That’s like…kind of terrible. And this is where most people try it once and go “this is terrible“ close window the end. And, agreed that absolutely sucks.

So first off - no matter which you are using, the most important thing is to have “custom mode” on. Because then - you’re writing songs. And then it can be any genre you want. And it’s not always good, of course, but when it hits, IT HITS.

Please have a listen to a song I made about:

A friend who I one bought a pickle in a bag when we were stoners in college

A different friend who I have been fighting with about her being “always right” for basically ever. She uses the luck dragon (the big white dog) from the neverending story as a symbol for her winning an argument

How my husband and I are fucking cool

When we went to italy last week and it was cold

That same trip my husband made me a crap cup of tea

The song I used to wake up my husband on May 1

Do I have a problem? Yes, absolutely. My problem is that I think I have to buy another AI monthly subscription.

Have you tried it? Send me your songs!!


Found photos from another dimension
